OH Acupuncture Clinic

Services Oh Acupuncture Clinic in Annandale, VA

What is Acupuncture?
Originating from China over thousands of years, acupuncture is a system of healing which has been practiced in East Asian countries. It is the fastest growing method of health care in America today as a holistic approach to the management of disease as well as for the maintenance of health. Acupuncture works to restore and balance the body's vital energy (qi or chi) through the use of needles at specific points. In a healthy person Qi is full and moves smoothly. However, if Qi is out of balance or blocked, illness or disease results. Such things as stress, sadness, injury, ect. can disrupt the harmonious movement of Qi. Acupuncture has been known to assist helping a range of complaints, including aggravated stress localized pain, gastric problems, trauma, and even infertility.

Does the Treatment Hurt?
Acupuncture is a relatively painless, natural technique. It consists of the gentle insertion and stimulation of sterile, disposable, small, hair-width needles placed at precise strategic points on the body. It is inserted just beneath the skin’s surface. While many acupuncture patients are initially wary about their first treatment, they soon discover that the experience is quite pleasurable and pain-free. Acupuncture has been proven to induce a state of relaxation, balance and healing.

What is the Scope of Benefits?
Acupuncture is helpful for many concerns including those of the body, mind and spirit. Following list is common conditions successfully treated with acupuncture as recommended by World Health Organization and National Institute of Health.

• Management of Chronic Pain  
• Arthritis
• Sciatica
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Low Back Pain
• Fibromyalgia
• Gynecological Disorders
• Amenorrhea • Dysmenorrhea
• Fibroids
• Endometriosis
• Infertility
• Irregular Menstruation
• Menopause
• Induction of Labor

• Vertigo

What is Moxibustion?
Moxibustion is a traditional oriental medicine therapy using moxa, or mugwort herb. It plays an important role in the traditional medical systems of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Tibet, and Mongolia. Suppliers usually age the mugwort and grind it up to a fluff; practitioners burn the fluff or process it further into a cigar-shaped stick. They can use it indirectly, with acupuncture needles, or burn it on the patient's skin.

What is Cupping? 
It was believed in the West that the increased blood flow caused by cupping helps remove impurities from nearby tissues and organs.
Ancient Chinese medicine have believed that the body contains "Meridians,” through which the pathways in the body which the energy of life called Qi ("chi") flows. Using cupping therapy, unwanted Qi is drawn to the body surface, where it is dispersed. Cupping therapy is mainly performed on one's back because there are five meridians on the superficial back. When these meridians are opened and unnecessary Qi are removed by cupping, the internal energy is able to flow through the whole body.

Another healing aspect of cupping therapy is through the release of toxins in your body. The suction from the cups can penetrate deep into your tissues causing the tissues to release harmful toxins. It triggers the lymphatic system, clears the blood vessels, and stretches and activates the skin.

What is the Treatment Like?
Partial vacuum is created by placing the heated cups on the patient’s skin or by using air suctioned cups. Increased blood flow within the cups helps the faster healing in that area. The cups are left in place for 5-10 minutes according to the type of condition being treated. Sometimes the process is repeated on different parts of the body within the same treatment.
During the treatment, the patient experiences a mild pulling sensation, which calms the sympathetic nerves and allows a deep relaxation. It is not unusual for someone to fall asleep during the treatment, waking up afterwards feeling relaxed and refreshed.Type your paragraph here.

• Morning Sickness
• Other
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Smoking Cessation
• Asthma
• Constipation
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Hypertension
• Insomnia
• Allergies
• Sinusitis
• Headaches

What is Chinese Herbal Medicine?
Herbal medicine is a major component of traditional Oriental medicine, a comprehensive health care system used for over 3,000 years in China and throughout the world today. Oriental medicine views the body as a dynamic, interrelated whole (body, mind, and spirit) possessing a life force or vital energy called qi or chi. Chinese herbal medicine is composed of over 5,000 plant, mineral and animal substances. Usually herbs are combined into formulas that address the main health problem and support the mind-body system. Chinese herbal medicine may be used to treat infants, elderly patients and pregnant women.

How are Herbs Administered?
The traditional method of preparing herbs is to cook the raw herbs in water to form a decoction or tea. Depending on the condition and circumstances, the herbal practitioner may recommend taking the herbs in pill form, as an extract or in a powdered or granulated form.